Worried about the location your prostitute may choose? Want your prostitute to only service clients on the toilet, in bathrooms, in bedrooms, only in public, or just in your special sex dungeon complete with cameras for ‘security’ and definitely not black mail material no way (your prostitute is a good gurl/boi)? Well the other part of the update, the Location Preference System, is going to take care of your naughty story needs. With this update your sim, if enabled, will attempt to start sex on their own, bypassing the awkward manually starting WW sex step in the process. Before, when your prostitute solicited a client, got solicited by a client, had a client come visit, etc, you would then have to chose a location for your sim to start sexing and go through the usual WW sex starting steps. The ‘ Just Do IT!!!’ update, as the name heavily implies, brings an all new sex auto-start system. So when I had a lull earlier this month I decided to start working on this in earnest so I’m pleased to announce that the first major step on the road to autonomy has been reached! Prostitution won with people very vocally asking for sex-autonomy related features when it comes to prostitution.

A little while ago I ran a poll on what part of my mod you guys wanted me to focus my attention on.